
来源:火狐体育客户端手机版 | 2024年05月08日 14:08
火狐体育客户端手机版 | 2024/05/08





2024 marks the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. In Chinese culture, the dragon (or Loong), one of the totems of Chinese civilization, is a symbol of auspiciousness, authority, and rarity.

There are many traditional Chinese idioms related to the dragon, or Loong, such as lóng mǎ jīng shén (as full of energy as a dragon horse), lóng fèng chéng xiáng (auspicious and joyful), wàng zǐ chéng lóng (Parents hold high hopes for their child),huàlóng diǎn jīng (to bring the painted Chinese dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes), yúyuèlóng mén (a carpleaps over Longmen, a dangerous and high obstacle, to become a dragon).

We hope these idioms can inspire and encourage all of us to move forward in the new year and embrace a bright future. We wish you to live vigorously like a Chinese dragon and work energetically like a tiger.



预警通知称,根据气象和海事等部门研判,琼州海峡2月13日至17日每日的早晨部分时段有雾,海口新海港、秀英港和铁路南港有可能停航,届时将及时发布停复航提示,请旅客朋友实时关注,并合理安排行程。 停航期间,已预约购票并到港的司机旅客请耐心等候,复航后将及时安排登船作业;尚未到港的司机旅客,请暂勿前往港口!如因停航或进港排队导致延误,船票仍然有效。 



2024 marks the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. In Chinese culture, the dragon (or Loong), one of the totems of Chinese civilization, is a symbol of auspiciousness, authority, and rarity.

There are many traditional Chinese idioms related to the dragon, or Loong, such as lóng mǎ jīng shén (as full of energy as a dragon horse), lóng fèng chéng xiáng (auspicious and joyful), wàng zǐ chéng lóng (Parents hold high hopes for their child),huàlóng diǎn jīng (to bring the painted Chinese dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes), yúyuèlóng mén (a carpleaps over Longmen, a dangerous and high obstacle, to become a dragon).

We hope these idioms can inspire and encourage all of us to move forward in the new year and embrace a bright future. We wish you to live vigorously like a Chinese dragon and work energetically like a tiger.
